Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Banging 4th of July Burgers

Hello Darlings! Are you as ready for a 3 day weekend as I am?!?!?! What is not to love?! Delicious food, fun, and a SHOW! Just a heads up there are still slots open for a discount code on yesterdays blog! Don't forget to DM your email on twitter for one!

Now I like to keep it simple and a bit healthy. I rather enjoy having a good cookout with friends and family. Burgers, dogs, and little spicy! Don't worry I did not forget about beer and smores!

The difference I make is my burgers and Hot dogs are turkey! Just hang with me for a minute.....everyone at first hears me say turkey burgers and they run for the nearest burger place! Then they give them a chance and BAM they love them!

My burgers are not just boring old turkey burgers. I like to add green chili's and my personal seasoning into the mix.

That's right I mix the turkey burger in a bowl with diced green chili's ( cheat and get the can version if you like) salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, red chili flakes, and then my own personal mixture....Girl needs her secrets.

That mixture there is just as good as any...last year Jake and I were visiting friends in LA and I did not have my mixture of seasonings so I just used what they had on hand and they turned out fabulous!

We but the meat with less % of fat as possible. They do not take as long to cook as regular burgers. If cooked to long they can become dry. This has become a huge request with my friends and family.

For the spicy as you seen in the picture at the top I love to make jalapeno poppers. I know there are a lot of different ways to make them, but this is how I do it.

We buy our bacon from whole foods the one with no preservatives and get the hickory smoked kind.Then of course the peppers and cream cheese. I will say I tried using the fat free kind and YUCK they did not turn out the same. Cheese everywhere! So just stick with the regular.

I cut of the top and carefully scrap out all the inside, then use a butter knife to stuff the cream cheese in all the way to the bottom. Put the top back on with toothpick to hold the cheese in. Last add half a strip of bacon wrapped around and held with toothpick.

These are great on the grill or even in the oven! These are more requested then the burgers!

IF you like to keep it simple as well give these 2 a try! Then enjoy a cold beer with chips and salsa and enjoy the guests!

I hope some of you will give these a try and please let me know how they turned out!

What are some of your favorite things to make?!?! Do you get requests on anything?

Till next time!



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